Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I heart these T-shirts

See where I got these from, and other cool pics at

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Media mash-up

It's been a while. What has happened in my absence? Bar mat mums have been barred from Disneyland. Mars Bars have got smaller. Vegemite and cheese are no longer separate entities. Ben Cousins' finger made national headlines. Chk Chk Boom girl made everyone want to buy a gun. Poking fun at dying children was deemed not funny. There was a competition over who was ugliest - Gordon Ramsay or Tracy Grimshaw. Chastity Bono decided she would rather be a man than grow up looking like Cher. We said goodbye to Terry Wallace, Peter Costello, Dean Laidley and ABC's head of comedy Amanda Duthie. Oh and Des Moran, who has given Underbelly scriptwriters another ratings winner.

I could go on. And if I had the time, I could've written a blog post devoted to each of these events. Instead, I'll give a rundown of some of the lowlights and highlights.

My deep dislike for the Herald Sun and the cronies who run it (or if I could be more broad - News Limited) is no secret. Maybe I'm a tad biased because I work for their enemy, but if you ever needed proof, here's some doozies I found on Twitter:

@erica_lick: I'm sorry, what were you saying? I was distracted by your boobs.

@watchingdan: Dear Herald Sun, I know there's an economic crisis on, but surely you can afford spellchecking software..Mmm Chickem...

Looks like that spell check could've come in handy for this one as well, courtesy @JaredWoods,21985,25624514-661,00.html

And from Murdoch's baby, The Australian:

@the_enthusiast: Oh dear, the Oz subs can't spell "accessory":

Yeah, OK, Fairfax isn't perfect either. During coverage of Rove's "private wedding" to Tasma Walton, Clem Bastow drew attention to The Age's poor taste in running photos of the happy couple, blissfully celebrating the start of their new marriage, in the same photo album displaying a grieving Rove at Belinda Emmett's funeral:

And, some more great input from Miss Bastow:

But it wasn't all bad. Points go to the Hun for their fantastic 'Dim Sym' headline relating to the fall of cricketer Andrew Symonds. I love it and I wish it was mine.
On the subject of headlines, I'm also a sucker for this one I stumbled over recently:

And I love that The Age included the Woman's Day editor's punctuation error in this article. They may as well have come out and said: "The Woman's Day editor is a dumb bitch". Maybe we should rename the mag "Womans Day"?

This lame MediaWatch wannabe mash-up is all I've got time for, folks. Till next time.